Love once but relationships many...,.why?
Why we always tend to make relationships? One after another then another.
We humans are very emotional creature. From the day we born, gets lot of love and intense care from almost everyone in the family. As we start to grew up crossing childhood, teenage and finally reach to most important stage of our life i.e. Adolescent . And now we seek for an alternate of our family's love. In this journey we met with lot of people pretty, ugly , beautiful and of some other categories. We get attracted to many based on the categories we like. But in this journey we find some people who are beyond this category game , we find mirage of ourselves in them and getting very excited to know about that person . Then we started to build a unbreakable bond with that person and make lot of memories , get really close as much as we can and thinks we find our soulmate . Here we trapped in island of dreams.
But when this island of dreams get shattered , the panic situation makes our life worse , we devastated mentally as well as physically . This pain makes our life miserable, series of unwanted ideas percolate within brain and feeling of hatredness takes control of it. Lot of people giving different ideas to overcome this, family abuse , maturity level vanishes and the fucking loneliness creates background for unwanted steps .
But as the time passes , we try to heal ourselves that is by realising that there is no any island of draeams. We start involving in new relationship try to make the same moments and feelings .This process of trying to involve act as an anticaptic to the wounds. We started to heal and loss our faith in any such island.
Making many relationships doesn't make us bad or a villain, a person who plays with emotion until we really do by making false promises and using someone emotions for our satisfaction but rather than we have to make relationship with boundries if we are not sure about the other person and makes both happier with that relation and not to hurt.
But as the maturity and responsibilities comes we understood ourself very much and handle our emotions and we learn to love ourself instead of find love in someone's care that we are looking for by making many relationships in our life.